Korean Vietnamese Restaurant
On Thursday, Jiyeoun, Mom, and I went to a Vietnamese restaurant in Hannam.
It was in a beautiful location next to a plush, green rice patty on the edge of an apartment complex.
The interior was finely detailed with burnished wood and bright paper and wood ceiling tiles.
We ordered Wolamsam. I don't know what it's called in Vietnamese or English. You're given a huge plate of vegetables, a crockpot full of water, a plate of thinly sliced raw beef, a bowl of hot water, and a stack of rice paper.
You place the beef in the crockpot after the water comes to a boil. You dip the rice paper in the bowl of hot water, place it on your plate, and pile vegetables on top. There's everything you'd want: lettuce, cilantro, basal, bean sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, pineapple, tomatoes, shredded radish, and more. There are also three sauces: peanut, green pepper, and red pepper paste. You place the freshly cooked beef on the pile of vegetables and wrap it in rice paper. The wet rice paper is sticky and holds well. You're left with a Vietnamese spring roll of sorts. It's delicious.
Jiyeoun and Mom loved it so much it made them crazy, as you can clearly see from these pictures. Mom was a little crazier than Jiyeoun.
It's one in a long line of recent meals we devastated.
We were rewarded with a steaming cup of supper strong, sweet Vietnamese coffee.
It's a good thing I don't live in Vietnam. I'd be as fat as a hippo.
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